The higher the PPI, the better the image quality, so while it might be tempting to choose the largest screen possible, if you're looking for the best image quality, consider getting a smaller monitor with a higher resolution rather than a larger monitor with a lower resolution. The smaller screen will have a higher number of pixels per inch than the larger screen.
This is measured in PPI (Pixels Per Inch). The image quality on the smaller monitor can often look sharper and more vivid because of its pixel density. You'll often find monitors of different sizes that have the same number of pixels, for example a 24-inch monitor and a 32-inch monitor both with a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080. Monitors come in all kinds of sizes, as well as resolutions. But, the number of pixels that a screen can show isn't the only factor involved when it comes to image quality. The higher the number of pixels a screen can show, the sharper and more detailed the image quality.